søndag den 1. december 2013

Eksperter: Europa har ikke resourcerne til at bekæmpe terror truslen

"BERLIN – A leading European expert on security and counterterrorism published an analysis on a range of countries that have sent radical Islamic fighters to overthrow the Syrian Regime, on Wednesday.

Thomas Hegghammer, a political scientist with the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, wrote in The Washington Post that 'the number of European fighters in Syria may exceed the total number of Muslim foreign fighters from all Western countries to all conflicts between 1990 and 2010 (that the above-mentioned study estimated to just under a thousand). And we are only 2.5 years into the Syrian war.' ...

Hegghammer said 'we can thus say with high confidence that at least 1,200 European Muslims have gone to Syria since the start of the war. This is a remarkable figure; we are talking about the largest European Muslim foreign fighter contingent to any conflict in modern history.'

Hegghammer warned about the dangers of returning Jihadists to Europe and the lack of counter-terrorism resources to combat the threat.

Maher told the Post that some of the European fighters who return will be “profoundly psychologically disturbed people.”

He warned that some of the fighters will have terrorist skill sets and the capability to build improvised explosive devices.

He said you will have after 9/11 a situation in Europe where new terrorist networks are being 'repopulated.'"

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