torsdag den 26. december 2013

EU bliver mere og mere fascistisk: Forbyder kritisk magasin fra pressemøder

"For many years, the Danish magazine "People in Motion " covered EU summits, but it's over now. The magazine is denied access to the EU's press center on the grounds that the magazine is published by organization associated to several parties. The organization behind the magazine's People's Movement against the EU. ...

'It is completely unacceptable. The magazine is a recognized Danish media working according to Danish laws on media, and we have real journalists working for us. We have done this for years,' said Søren Søndergaard (N), Member of the European Parliament for the People's Movement against the EU.

'If you think that the EU has a democratic deficit, then one can certainly see that it has grown,' he said.

Question: Do you think that the rejection constitutes censorship?

'We can only ascertain what the effect is. The effect is censorship. The effect is that an EU-critical media is excluded from what other media have access to. The reason given is completely absurd,' said Sondergaard.
He says that the Danish Union of Journalists is involved in the case and supports the requirement that 'People in Motion' be granted access to cover the summits."

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