torsdag den 26. december 2013

Islam Udsat: "Spørg eksperten: spørgsmål og svar med Nicolai Sennels og Fans"

Islam Exposed: "Ask the Expert: Q’s & A’s with Nicolai Sennels and Fans"

"Fans of Islam Exposed were asked to submit questions for our guest expert, Nicolai Sennels ...

Question from Robin Kuhlman: The converts or "reverts," as they call themselves, are among the most avid and relentless proselytizers for Islam and repeat the same tiresome lies and propaganda. Are there any methods that can be used to deprogram them, and, if so, how successful have they been?

Sennels: One study apparently shows that some non-Muslims convert to Islam because they prefer a more violent approach to life (see “Change of Faith: Why Young Brits Turn from Christianity to Islam”). My own experiences from working with young Muslims, including converts, is that young people convert to Islam in order to find acceptance and protection, whether it is in their Islamized neighbourhood or in prison. Any deprograming of Muslims would have to start with convincing them that one can protect apostates. Isolation from other Muslims seemed to have a very positive affect on the former extremist Ahmed Akkari (famous for starting the violent riots against the Danish Mohammed cartoons), who – after spending some years in Greenland – came back as a firm believer in democracy and free speech. Muslim isolation from non-Muslims, though, should have first priority, given the genocidal nature of their religion. ...

Questin from Roger Froikin: What can be done to root out fears of Muslim violence that paralyze law enforcement and governments in many countries?

Sennels: Inspire people with your fearlessness!

Question from David Christoph Vinsome: Do you think that military action against Muslims may happen at some point?

Sennels: Well, it happens every day in Thailand, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. If your question is whether we will see the military involved against violent Muslims in our own non-Muslim countries, the answer is a definite yes, since the police at one point will run out of resources and the violence will reach a point where military grade force will be necessary. Already now soldiers are patrolling the streets in Paris, and several politicians are asking the military to step in in Marseilles. This will happen on a more wide scale within a handful of years."

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