søndag den 1. december 2013

Italiens statstv indrømmer propaganda, for at fremme multikulturalisme

"The head of Italian state broadcaster RAI, Anna Maria Tarantola, said Friday that fictional television series could help build a shared Mediterranean identity. The sociopolitical use of television was the topic of her speech during an event on 'Italian and French media in the Mediterranean' at Rome's Accademia dei Lincei, organized by the Italiques association. Tarantola said that fiction series ''have an intrinsic social, cultural and political value, in the sense of 'polis'.

The Mediterranean is a super-polis held together by the sea: this is what RAI strongly believes. This is why we have set in motion initiatives such as two fiction series, one of which will be on a marriage between an Italian woman and a North African man and another on the separation and reuniting of families. In the latter, an Italian lawyer meets a child who has fled Syria and who eventually gets reunited with his refugee parents in Germany."

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