fredag den 29. november 2013

Australierne er dybt bekymret over islam

"38 percent: a growing Islamic population and Islamic immigration are bad for Australia
44 percent: strong, clear link between Islam and terrorism
50 per cent want the Shari’a banned
53 percent: ban the burqa from public spaces
57 percent: Concerned about Islam in the world today
70 percent: Australia is not becoming a better place because of Islam.

According to a recent Morgan poll conducted on behalf of Q Society of Australia Inc., the majority of Australians are clearly concerned about Islam and 70% believe Australia is not a better place because of Islam. The survey, completed in late October, found a majority (53 per cent) of Australians want full face coverings banned from public spaces and 50.2 per cent want Islamic sharia law banned all together.

Australians over 65 are most concerned with 59 per cent in this age group stating that a growing Islamic population and Islamic immigration would be bad for Australia. Mature Australians and Liberal/National voters have a significantly negative view of Islam. Notably only 15 per cent of Australians think Islam and terrorism are not related. Multicultural advocates seeking to cancel Christmas, Easter or ANZAC Day celebrations in their quest to not offend other cultures should take note that 96.5 per cent of the population disagree."

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