fredag den 29. november 2013

Danske forældre: Malmø for farligt for børn ...

Malmø is Sweden's 3rd biggest city. This is a big embarrasement for the Swedes...! But what else to expect, when they import more than a thousand more Muslims every week...!!?

"Plans for a student group from Denmark to make a three-day visit to Malmö in southern Sweden have been scrapped at the last minute over safety concerns voiced by Danish parents. ...

"They were very worried about sending their kids there," Keld Gantzhorn, vice principal of the Hjallse school, told the paper.
Gantzhorn explained the school met with parents in an effort to assuage their concerns, but to no avail. While the Danish class hopes to build relationships with another school in Sweden, it won't be one in Malmö, the vice principal added."

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