fredag den 10. januar 2014

Muslimske læger nægtede at behandle kristen: Skud i hovedet "ikke en nødsituation" ...

Muslim doctors refused to treat Christian: Gun shot in head "not emergency"...

"Ihab Ghattas, 23, reportedly died on New Year's Eve from a gunshot wound to the head because of “negligence” as the hospitals which refused to treat him, said Copts activist group Maspero Youth Union (MYU).

He was shot outside Mar Girgis (St George's) Church in the Ain Shams area of Cairo after celebrating mass by suspected supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, MYU said in published remarks.

Ghattas was allegedly denied access in one hospital because it was deemed not to be an emergency, while another cited 'a lack of beds.'"

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