mandag den 13. januar 2014

Hvordan kristne og muslimer demonstrerer

Demonstration lavet af velgørenhedsgruppen, "open doors"

Forbipasserende muslimer skulle have råbt "Allah akba" til demontranterne.

..og den muslimske måde, ødelæg valgplakater og tæsk folk der prøver at stoppe dig:

 "Yesterday I hung together with two party members LIBERTY posters on the city council election in Munich. When we a anbrachten before Perlacher Mall, harried us immediately four long-bearded Muslims and began to defame us. One claimed "This is our neighborhood" . Another insulted me by saying "You bastard! You cockroach! You are worth nothing! " . He also said that "a Muslim infidels enough for 100" , which is described in the Qur'an in connection with the killing of "infidels." When I returned a few minutes after setting up for the purpose of control, all three posters were already torn down."

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